Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rifle Season - Day 6

Day 5 would've been Wednesday, which is an all-day work day for me at the church so there was no hunting that day. So Day 6 would be Thursday. Thursday morning found me driving up to The Hill early and sitting in the same tree SE of the landing. I didn't see one deer. That spot was beginning to frustrate me beyond all belief. It wasn't terribly far from the best feeding area around, and I had been seeing dozens of does out there each night. Something wasn't making sense. Either the deer weren't coming very far off the fields to be, or they were going west of me. I think the answer was both. In the afternoon, I decided to head out to my permanent stand. I thought, why not. I sat and right at last light a fawn snuck up to within 50 feet and started to blow. Her mom was behind her in the woods a ways and they both took off. Missed chance. At least I saw/heard something, right?

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