Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sit # 40 - The Spring Stand

We've had a blast of warm air in the last day or two and the snow is melting away right now. It feel like the end of March, but it's only a tease because winter is on it's way. I sat this morning in the same spot I've been sitting the last two sits. There are fresh tracks everyday in the snow, but I'm not seeing deer. The last time I checked the camera there, there were does and fawns coming by during perfect shooting light in the mornings, but when I sit there with a perfect wind, I have no deer come by. It's odd. My timing has been really off this year. I was blessed with an unbelievable sunrise and a very peaceful morning just the same.
I climbed down at about 9:45am and checked the camera northwest of the bus and had three different bucks go through there during shooting light - a two year old, bullwinkle, and a yearling.
Bullwinkle came through early in the morning on Saturday, when Zach and I were freezing our butts off 3/4 of a mile south of there. It was a north wind that morning, so he was traveling into the wind (more or less). It looks like he may have chipped his left G3 about an inch. It's amazing how similar his pattern has been this year compared to 2009, but not 2010. I find it fascinating.
After that I checked the camera on the east side of John's yard and picked up a couple of pictures of PegLeg! He sure looks good out of velvet. He must be living up in the swamp. I'm guessing that Whitey, Junky Brewster, and PegLeg are all up in the tamarack swamp. It'll be interesting to see what they do when the second rut comes in. I want to put my tag on Whitey most of all, but I think I'd shoot any of them.
Lastly I checked the camera NE of Pete's on the logging road. There was a spike buck, Zach, and Pete's dogs from this morning. I met them while walking in. If you didn't know the difference between a wolf and a husky, you might've soiled yourself. I was walking east on the logging road and when I came around a bend there was two huskies walking right at me on the trail. I clapped and whistled and they took off.
That was my morning. I'm excited to see what passes by my cameras up by the standing bean field. It will definitely be warm enough to get good video with the Bushnell Trophy Cam. I can't wait. My ultimate goal: get just one picture of Curly, Skyscraper, or Mr. 140. Those three bucks are trophies this year. Gotta find 'em.

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