Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rifle Season - Day 6 (Sit #28 & 29)

After resting up after TGIJam on Wednesday, I took the day off on Thursday, woke up early, and headed out to my stand northwest of the bus. I had the wind in my favor (although it was swirling at times), and I was determined to sit all day long. I didn't see a deer all day. I got to thinking about the rut and that the camera I put up around the 24th of October had only two pictures of does up until that point - and one of them I'm not even positive it was a doe. So then I reconsidered the nicer buck pictures that I had gotten there. Those bucks only cruised by one time each. An annual trek so to speak. Once they realized that there weren't many does around that area, they make note of it and probably don't return. I climbed down at about 1:15pm and headed back to the cabin for some soup and some conversation with dad.
That afternoon I went down and sat in my permanent stand for the first time this year with the rifle and the camera. I saw zero deer. I was really hoping to shoot a doe that night - meat for Grandpa and Grandma.
An overall quiet day - hardly any shooting around the area. That was thursday.

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