Monday, November 7, 2011

Rifle Season - Day 2 (Sit #25)

On Sunday we had Sunday School, Worship, and Church as well as two photo sessions, so our hunting was very slight at the best. We popped up a ground blind in the gravel pit in hopes to catch a doe cutting across the clearing. Nothing. The cameras haven't been too active either. I'm assuming that bucks are finding does that are in heat and sticking with them. A lock down of sorts, but there are still does coming into heat, so I think it's time to get near a bucks core area. Try to intercept him searching in the mornings and evenings. The temperatures are cool and so the chasing shouldn't be limited by heat. We should see the activity increase as the winds die down. It was about 20-25 mph winds out of the SW and they are supposed to die down by Monday evening.

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