Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sit # 16 - Joe's Turn

Sunday afternoon I drove over to my good buddy Joe's house and picked him up for an attempt at a good doe. He hadn't been out in the tree all season yet and so I was happy to try set him up. We sat in a great spot; the same spot Steph and I saw a buck she named 'Mystery', and the same spot she killed her first deer with the bow the very next day. Almost every single time we sat in that 'nook', we saw a couple deer. The night with Joe was no exception. There was a front moving in and we were seeing deer out in the fields feeding at 3:00pm! We got situated about 4:15 and put in a good two and a half hour sit. At about 5 o'clock, we had three yearling bucks come out across the opening. The first one made his way straight to us and walked right through the shooting lane at 25 yards. He eventually got past us enough to get our scent and took off running. The other two bucks were still all the way at the other end of the clearing and once the first buck took off, they bolted to the east/southeast. We got just a little bit of video of them, but all in all, it was a fun sit. No does. No blood.

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