Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sit # 10 - No Movement

I figured I'd try the creek this morning. With a WNW wind, I thought I could get lucky as something tried to come from the north bedding area toward the south. Nope. I didn't see or hear a thing. I saw three deer out in the dirt field to the east of the stand where I parked the truck, but that was it. The wind was not ideal, but it was at least a convenient sit. I was able to break out my new Hooyman saw and clear a few lanes for when the prerut starts to heat up. It's crazy - less than two weeks before the action starts to get cranked. I can't believe how it just flips like a switch. I can't wait for this first cold front to come in. The plan right now is to head down to Red Wing, MN to hunt a day or two with Steph's brother Donny. I'm really lookin' forward to getting a glimpse of something pretty large down there. I set up a camera at the scrape site NE of Orvil's dump. It'll be interesting to see what's been cruising through there. I kicked up one deer on my way in.

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