Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sit #13 - 27 degrees

It's starting to cool off finally. On my way out to the stand, my truck read 27 degrees. It might be time to break out my winter boots when I know I won't be getting wet. As I drove past Orville's dump, I had a 2 or 3 year old run across the road from north to south. After I watched him run into the dump, I decided to turn all the way around and shine the field where he came from. Sure enough, about 150-200 yards out there was another nice buck. This one was at least 4 years old, maybe older. Big chest, big neck, big rack... just walking quickly to the east/northeast. I hope he headed to my trail camera that I have over there. He was a solid 130, probably more. Anyway, I drove until I got to my little parking spot and walked in to my stand. Perfect wind this morning. I didn't see any deer, but the conditions sure seemed right.
After I climbed down I went to the refuge and pulled down the camera I had over the scrape and sure enough, I got two pictures of Lefty.

I brought the camera, my gps, and a machette northwest of the bus and set it up where I had it last year. I took the logging road all the way up there, but then from my stand, I blazed a trail with the machette following my GPS back to the bus. This cuts the distance in half and allows me to sneak into my stand if I get a SW, W, or NW wind. My hopes are very high of seeing WideWeb, The Clown, Bullwinkle, or even Curly up there. Pre-rut, here we come!

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