Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sit #14 - Doe City

I sat this morning on the creek again and had a doe and a fawn skirt around me at about 35-40 yards without offering me a shot because they were behind a bunch of willows. They were moving pretty quickly too. Not sure what that was about, but I was on full alert to their backtrail. Then about 5-10 minutes later (about 8:30), I had another four slickheads come though. I think it was a doe and a fawn, and a doe and her yearling. At this point I'm thinking, come on big boy! Nothing. These deer took the same trail that skirted me wide without a shot. They started getting all figidy. I don't think they got my wind, because it was right in my face. There's a chance one of the first ones busted me trying to video the last of them. Who knows. It was just good to see some deer. I climbed down and cut a few more branches - gotta make sure I don't miss my chance at Mr. Big trailing the first doe coming into heat. I cut so I could get a shot if a deer does the same thing these did this morning. There was one little hole that I could shoot through, if I was able to stop them.
After I got back in the truck, I checked some cameras and moved the camera from the creek to over by the east scrape. I got a few pictures of a buck that started working the scrape 1 hour after I set the camera up! Crazy. I also got a picture of a buck that I'm trying to determine if it's Mr. 140. It's tough to say. Here he is in 2009:

And the new buck:

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