Friday, August 9, 2013

A BREAK in the Action!

Even though this summer was shaping up to be a very busy one, which I was afraid might keep me out of The Woods a bit, little did I know that our trip to Family Camp at Bluewater would be a life changing one for me. On Thursday, the 4th of July, right after the canteen bell (3:00pm), I decided to go off the Blob one more time before I went to get canteen. For some dumb reason I thought I could harness the power of the blob and send myself into orbit by superman-ing off the blob. Boy was I wrong! Long story-short, my right leg fractured in three places and my ankle dislocated. I don't know how I could have fit any more thoughts in my head during mid-flight to the water's reality. I was dismayed, angry, scared, but mostly ticked! I popped out of the water and called for help and was back-boarded out of the water and brought right into Deer River ER.
I had surgery that night and the reality of my summer scouting ending began to sink in.
So I had a soft cast for the first 8 days, then I moved into a hard cast for about 9 days. Now i've been in a walking boot for about 2+ weeks. I have an appointment on August 12th for some Xrays and hopefully they tell me I can begin to put some weight on it soon. Luckily, I 've had the help of my friend Zach to move cameras and get the scouting back under way, but it is definitely not the same. I just miss being able to check on my cameras and see if there's any new bucks in the area, but since I've been laid up for so long, I'm basically falling back on old spots in hopes for deer to repeat their old habits.
I have asked for some permission from a few neighbors to be a little more aggressive with cameras, but I haven't had much luck yet.
I'm on the mend. I hope to hunt the first two weeks from the ground and then begin to climb into stands by October 1. I also have a ND tag in my back pocket, so that'll be interesting!

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