Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sit # 5 - The New Piece

Steph was able to get out for her first sit of the year and we chose to test out the new property we got permission on. There had been some slight activity with just does and fawns chewing on clover, but I'm sure it'll pick up as the bucks start to cruise. It seems like a temporary holding spot for deer. It's odd that every season there is just a wicked trail cutting across the wide open to this piece. So they might winter in there. Who knows. Needless to say, we didn't see anything while sitting.
The weather has been nuts. Today is supposed to be a high of 85 degrees or more! October 5th! That's the most rediculous thing ever. Do you think the deer are going to want to move when they're busy putting on their winter coat and trying to fatten up?
It's not long now and I'll be shifting cameras to the usual fall spots and then eventually to scrapes. I did get one picture last week from September 15th that's of a decent buck, but because the flash wasn't quite smart enough to go of, it's a poor picture. Looks to me like a younger deer, but it's too hard to be sure.
Morning hunts are really the only option with temps this high. I need to draw blood.

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