Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sit # 11 - Losing Hope

Dad and I sat again this morning and saw nothing. The wind has officially switch from a predominant southerly wind to a northwesterly. The forecast shows it being some type of northwest to southwest wind for weeks! Yikes. Not all bad, just opposite for what we need to kill either of the two bucks we've been seeing and you can only hunt a spot that works with those winds so many times. My guess is that the last week in October, when I'll be hunting down south, the wind will finally break and do something stupid like NE, E, or SE. I really hope that we have a cold front come in around the 29th-31st.
I'm really looking forward to hunting some different terrain than the flat swamps. Not only is it valuable education, there is significant opportunity to take a true giant of a whitetail. These deer are the beneficiaries of sound habitat and wildlife management. It sounds odd to say this, but the DNR are doing a great job in the southeast part of the state. I wish I could even imagine the same for the northwest. In the southwest the DNR farm out their tillable acres to local farmers who harvest about 1/2 of each crop and leave the rest standing. Win-Win.
So these deer are raised on beans, corn, alfalfa, acorns, clover, you name it - they've got it. It's a true buffet for whitetail deer. The herd health is better off and consequently, the genetic potential is more likely achieved. Anyway, I'm looking forward to bringing a few stands down, a camera or two, and enjoying some time with the brother in laws.

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