Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sit # 14 - The Shed Stand

Steph and I tried to figure out which night would work better to hunt, either Monday or Tuesday night. Steph had a girls evening on Monday and in hindsight, it probably would've worked out better to hunt Monday, but the wind was going to be perfect on Tuesday. So I stayed home and edited Monday and Steph graciously let me go out Tuesday, even though she wanted to go to the volleyball game with me at 7pm. I told her I'd be back as soon as I could and I was. We even made it to watch all of game three. Roseau lost to TRF in three straight games. They all were super close though.
Anyway, I had a photo session that got over at 4:15 and I picked Steph up from work and had to get everything lined up. I got into the tree and was sitting quiet by 5:37pm, which was about an hour later than I'd've liked, but I'll take sitting over not sitting. At about a quarter after six I saw a nice doe headed through the tall grass towards the road/tilled soybean field. I really was on alert knowing the deer were starting to move. I sat until legal light ended (6:59pm) and climbed down. No deer. I swapped cards on the new Bushnell camera and high-tailed it out of the woods to get the volleyball game. The only bad part about sitting in this spot is that there is no quiet way into the set. The dead willows that were dozed down two years ago are so loud and there's no way to avoid it. I guess it's just a place you'd have to sit in all day. That's what makes this a dynamite pre-rut stand. I'd say the 25th through the 4th would be a great time to slip in there early. You could hunt it in the morning, midday, or evening - as long as you have a NW to a NNE wind. It sets up best with a NNW. For rifle season, the stand should be backed off 125 yards to the south into another group of tamarak trees. I may set that up for dad and I. It's a sweet view.
So I get home after the volleyball game to check the video clips on the memory card and there are 18. I'm super excited and then I see that they're all wind. I thought that's odd that they didn't catch anything at night or anything else in the last four days. Turns out my 4GB card was full because I forgot to erase pictures from VBS that I put on there to transfer to the church laptop. AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!! Idoit!
Well, I'll leave it for one more week and move it before I take off to Red Wing/Rochester. I'm super pumped for that hunt. The weather's supposed to be cold (although the forecast is slightly warming now), the moon is a new moon, the feeding times are hot, everything is lined up for some great action. Can't wait. Stay tuned.

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