Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby's First Photos

Mom and Dad went out and checked their cameras on Sunday afternoon and there were plenty of photos, which was encouraging. It was nice to see about 1/3 to 1/2 of them be bucks and also to get a few photos of new fawns. Winter was hard on the deer and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see lots of does with a single fawn or even no fawns this year. In these first few batches of photos it was also apparent that there were a few does still pregnant in the first week of June, which tells me there was a significant second rut. If we can have a collective doe management effort this year, I think we may have a chance to catch up with all the fawnless does.
Mixed in the batches of photos were plenty of pictures of Splitbrow:
A few of Pencil:
I didn't post an earlier photo of a buck that I'm almost positive is Mr. 140 (The odd thing is that his antler development is at least two weeks behind according to the date and where he was the last two years):

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