Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sit # 4

Well for the first time since being back in Roseau, I sat on a Wednesday morning. It was a beautiful cloudy morning and I must've spooked about seven deer off the field on my way to the stand. I'm learning that morning hunting that spot may be a bad idea, unless you are heading out after first light - so the deer are already in the woods. Who knows what I spooked. While sitting I saw zero deer. I checked three cameras only to find nothing. The bucks are dispersing. There's a chance some are still in bachelor groups, but it's not very likely. On Saturday, I'm going to move my cameras north and get onto trails that transition from bed to feed. I did this last year, but not until the middle of October and immediately had good results, so I'm hoping to double those results by being two weeks early. The camera out by the refuge hasn't produced the buck I was hoping for, so unless he's on there on Saturday, that camera will come back to The Hill, too. Things are changing fast. The leaves went from beautiful to half-off the trees in about three days. We got a ton of rain here last weekend and the fields are fairly wet. A lot of the beans that would have been taken are still out and ready to be harvested. The weather has been really nice this week. Yesterday was 70. There are only small chances of rain in the forecast, but nothing worth mentioning. The moon is getting smaller and so evening hunting is the way to go this week. We'll see if it pays off. I elected to sleep in this morning and I'm pretty sure it was worth it.

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