Saturday, September 18, 2010

Opening Day

Well, the 2010 archery season is officially underway. I woke up this morning at 4:50am and gassed up and headed for the pinch. Of course, since I was rusty at all of this, I forgot my water boots, and my harness. So I left town about 10 minutes late. Once I got up to my parking spot, I again realized just how much stuff I take with me to the stand. So I was another 10 minutes behind. I had a 3/4 mile walk to my perch and wouldn't you know it as it's just breaking dusk I see a lone big bodied deer cruising the edge of a been field headed right toward my stand. AhH! Had I not been behind, I may have filled my tag already. As I finally made it to my tree without spooking any deer (that i know of), I sat about 3 hours and my toes were numb. 32 degrees this morning! Where was that last November? I checked a few cameras on my way back to nap and here's my findings:
The camera I put up over at the refuge produced 200 some photos, so I got my hopes up, just to be let down. There was a buck that looked pretty familiar and I got pics of him both in and out of velvet. Here he is in 2009:
And in 2010:
After my nap, Steph drove up and we got ready for our evening sit in the same set. It was pretty quiet except for some annoying birds picking through the leaves. At about 7:45 or so I finally caught movement from the west and knew immediately that it was a deer coming out way. I told Steph to grab her bow and by the time I got around the tree they were gone... or so it seemed. They froze. Just as they started to come closer, a fisher came running underneath us! Seriously. Of all the times in the world to see a fisher, that was the worst. It turned out there were two deer (both does) and they turner and went around the willows in front of us. dang it! so close. They got to about 35, but there was too much brush in the way for any kind of a shot. One of them popped out the corner of the field and circled downwind of our tree. She didn't get spooked from that. It was an eventful first sit.

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