Saturday, September 28, 2013

Guess Who Showed Up? - TWIGS!!!

While running a camera in hopes of locating HighRise again, I locked onto another buck that took me a split second to recognize, because I assumed he was dead. Twigs walked into the cameras frame for no rhyme or reason on the morning of September 18th (Wednesday) at 11:15am! So strange.
He came from the west or south and I checked back and it was a south wind that day. Weird. He's a beast! He's for sure 5, but I think he's 6 (based on his 2011 pictures as what I thought was a 4 year old). His body is going to be enormous.
It makes more sense now about the other big 8 point I got those two isolated pictures of near the river back in July:
I thought this deer was somewhat mature, maybe 4, but not 6! I'm thinking it was Twigs. He's got pretty good mass, he's still narrow, but his height is awesome. He must have 3 tines that are 10". I'm guessing him to gross just over 140". We'll see as he offers me some more pictures.

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