Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby's First Photos

Mom and Dad went out and checked their cameras on Sunday afternoon and there were plenty of photos, which was encouraging. It was nice to see about 1/3 to 1/2 of them be bucks and also to get a few photos of new fawns. Winter was hard on the deer and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see lots of does with a single fawn or even no fawns this year. In these first few batches of photos it was also apparent that there were a few does still pregnant in the first week of June, which tells me there was a significant second rut. If we can have a collective doe management effort this year, I think we may have a chance to catch up with all the fawnless does.
Mixed in the batches of photos were plenty of pictures of Splitbrow:
A few of Pencil:
I didn't post an earlier photo of a buck that I'm almost positive is Mr. 140 (The odd thing is that his antler development is at least two weeks behind according to the date and where he was the last two years):

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Verge

I was able to get out to the woods last thursday (the 9th) to check a few cameras and make a new mineral site. I have been looking forward to getting this site established for quite some time now. It sits between John's Island and Tweeten's Island. They are all about 3/4 of a mile from each other. And this one is also 3/4 of a mile from the road. This year, there will be soybeans in some amazing locations.
There is a separation between the three deer populations and it is going to congregate them in these three areas, which will be absolutely phenomenal for getting pictures of the big boys. I have a feeling that this year's hitlist is going to have the most 4 year old and older bucks of any hitlist we've put together so far. I am anticipating a great fall. I've also decided that I can't hunt the fringe during the rut. Once the 22nd of October rolls around, I know exactly where I'll be set up.
Anyway, on my trip out to the woods, I was able to check a few cameras that showed some pictures of a few familiar bucks. Dad's new camera (set up on the oak ridge) got a picture of Mr. 140 and Pencil (I'm shortening his name until I know how many points he'll have). While checking that camera, I noticed a small birds nest and as I walked by it (1 foot away) I noticed the bird was on it and it didn't fly. So after I adjusted the angle of Dad's camera I got my camera ready and got a couple pictures of the bird and the eggs in the nest after it flew. It was pretty cool. Each trip up to The Hill I have been seeing all kinds of wildlife.
On my drive home I had a run-in with a big ol' snapper.
I also am getting plenty of pictures up by the gravel pit. I'm excited to see what that site does once the beans begin to ripen. I've got to tell myself to leave it up as long as possible. I pulled it by the end of June last year, but now we have evidence of a bigger buck in that area.
I received an email from Midwest Whitetail with an attachment full of discounted trail cameras. The only two brands were Reconyx and Bushnell. I'm not familiar with either, but it might be an opportunity to save some money on them. We'll see. Right now I'm running five Cuddeback Captures. Mom and Dad have two other Captures. I know I'm going to need to use three out in the south end, which only leaves me two for the north end. I can't wait until those beans are ready. One month.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Midwest Whitetail Induction

I received an email from Tim Filiowich on Saturday offering Steph and I a spot on Midwest Whitetail Minnesota's Developmental Prostaff. I've been in conversation with Tim for about two years now (ever since I first found out about Midwest Whitetail). I first talked to Bill Winke through email and then he referred me to Tim who was in charge of the Minnesota Team. At first it was an issue of a camera standard as well as a gear standard. Now, we have the Canon 7D which is HD so we're good there and my bow is on ebay right now... fingers crossed. What an opportunity! People often ask, "well how much does it pay?" I laugh to myself because although it takes time to film hunts, it is such an enjoyable challenge that at this point, money isn't an object. I am happy to be a part of it for free. Sure someday, when I'm slaying 180" bucks consistently, I might want to get paid to do it.
Basically, what's next is to film everything that I/we would be doing anyway. Velvet scouting, checking cameras, hanging stands, etc. I'm sure there will be a video resume/interview that we'll send in that will possibly include a hitlist section. I'm pumped for that. I've got enough deer to have a memorable hitlist. And these deer all have long histories, so that should be an added bonus. It simply becomes a task of learning to film things well and being able to have someone with me so that I'm not filming myself all the time. I can't wait to see some of this year's bucks! Realtree's website put out a blog this spring that announced Midwest Whitetail's move from a semi-live weekly website show to TV.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Let it Begin

Well has been confirmed that beans are seeded near The Hill. Hallelujah! I went out in the heat friday afternoon to try to set up the remaining mineral sites and camera locations. I got the one done by my permanent stand, which I'm very hopeful for an elusive buck - either Mr. 140 (who should be Mr. 150) or Splitbrow. I'm purposely not going to place a camera over it until I know they're into the beans really well, like 20th of July. I also got a trophy rock and a bag of Deer CoCain out to the Little Hill, but not before I buried my truck in the ruts that the bus left last fall. My back axel got hung up on the mud and rocks and roots.
Once I got unstuck (with mom and dad's help) I parked at the Landing and walked a camera and trophy rock down to where I got a shot at tank. It's hard to describe that location, so I may just refer to it as the "Tank Stand" or the "Crazy 8" stand. It's a good spot that I used to refer to as "south of the landing". Anyway, it was too hot and I was too tired to carry a 50 pound bag of trace mineral salt down there. So I left it by the trail going in. By this point it was late (mostly because of me getting stuck) and I needed food and so I checked what Steph was doing for supper and she said nothing so I drove home and joined her. I quit a bit early as I was planning on putting a rock out on the new stump northeast of Pete's. So next time I go out, I've got a couple more things to do. It would be nice to get a day where it's cool and windy. I'd like to set two more blocks out in the lake bottom. I also need to put a rock out in John's Island. Once I get completely set up, it should be the best year of pictures yet. I've got 10 bucks that will be on the hitlist early this year. It'll just be a matter of finding them with the cameras. I was able to check the camera northwest of the Landing and I got some pictures of Scabby 10:
and one other buck I'd be willing to shoot without knowing which one he is:
Exciting! I also checked on the clover I broadcasted almost a month ago. It's on it's way! I hope we get a little shot of rain now and then. Just something light once a week. I want a dry summer over all. Check it out: