Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Wrap Up

Dad and I went out in the rain on Thursday morning. We got permission from a guy who owns a couple hundred, if not a couple thousand, acres out south of Warroad. We hiked around a large grove that was surrounded by standing sunflowers all winter. No luck. As it started to rain harder and harder, the parched ground was happy show off the greenery that waited ever so patiently below. The wetter it got, the greener it got. The greener it got, the smaller my hopes were for the shed season of 2010. We did come across some pretty interesting things on our last little walk along the creek. We found this pile of carcasses that had at least 6 or 7 buck heads still attached. All yearlings. Can you say QDM? If I'm honest, it makes me pretty disappointed. Then we found three of the biggest "puff-ball mushrooms" I have ever seen! Not even close to the ones I had seen previous. I thought they maybe got to be baseball size. These suckers were bigger than pumpkins!I have to say it was a good season overall, but I am a little vexed in the cases of a few specific bucks. They were regulars to a certain area, but their antlers just couldn't seem to be found. I hope to get back on to them this summer and fall as they demolish the mineral licks. After I dropped dad off, I jetted up to The Hill to switch the cards on the cameras and take one camera down to bring back to Santa's workshop (Cuddeback's factory). I meant to pick up the strap for Steph's camera case, but when I got down to the spot it should've been laying, it totally slipped my mind. Next time.
On my way to pull that one camera down, I noticed what I thought was a piece of bone. With 95% chewed up, this little spike antler was a fitting "nail" in the preverbal "coffin".
I ended the season with 12. Nothing over 50". Nothing over 2 years old, as far as fresh antlers go. Oh well. Now to let the pictures roll in.

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