Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Boys of Summer

I was able to get out and check the cameras yesterday and was pleasantly surprised at the quantity AND the quality of pictures I got. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised because of the bachelor group I spotted at a half mile, but I guess I was pleasantly reassured as to which bucks comprised the group. I got a few more pictures of Inside CrabClaw, Whitey (Scabby 8's Cousin), a couple younger bucks, and No Name 10. Last year we had a few pictures of a very respectable buck come into the bins. There wasn't much for unique characteristics on this buck last year, so we struggled to name him. This year, he grew a bunch of stickers - some of which curled so dad named him Curly. Confirming the trend, he packed on the inches this year and blew into a beautiful 140-150's class buck. He's five this year. Here is Curly last year and this year:
Also, in a place I call the island, I got two pictures of Skyscraper. He's a mid 130" 5 year old 10 point that is right up there on the hitlist this year. He's looking super healthy. Here's a comparison from last year to this year:
More pictures of Inside Crabclaw:
I also moved a camera from out west to up near the Refuge. I'm hoping to get a picture of a buck that I'm going to call Lefty. He's the one I posted about a month or so ago. I have pictures of him from the last two years. He's another mid 130's 4 year old.

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