Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

It's been quite a while since I've written a blog. Partly because summer's been more about fishing (and I'm not sure if that needs its own blog - in which case I'll have to just wait), and partly because it's just been checking one trail camera and setting out a few more... we'll call them mineral stations. So far, I've put out a 25 lb bag of antler king mineral salt, three trophy rocks, a 25 lb protein block, lots of molasses, and a couple jugs of deer cocaine.
I've only been watching one trail camera this entire winter, which has shown lots of different bucks. Finally, on thursday I was able to get to the refuge and hang up another camera overlooking a molasses stump/trophy rock.
There have been two times where I've went to check the first camera and the rock has been out of place or off the stump. Just this last time, the trough-like log was rolled all the way over. I only got one picture of the bear. The camera has been set on a video mode that I think I'll take off next time I go out. I think what happens is the camera takes a video, and after the video, it takes a photo. The videos have been set on 25 seconds, then I think it has to wait one minute to reset, then it takes the photo, then it needs one more minute to reset. When you watch the videos, it's evident just how much can take place in 25 seconds, let alone 1 minute. So needless to say, it's easy to miss stuff.
The new Cuddeback Captures are on backorder due to a 'delay in manufacturing', so I cant get my hands on one just yet, but I hope to have two more camera's up and running by the end of summer. Stay tuned.

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