Friday, April 11, 2008

The Lost 40

Today we were planning on leaving for the 8th grade confirmation retreat at Bluewater. Well, the weather among other things suggested we should change our plans. Anyway, the students all were preapproved to leave at noon on friday. Garrett was one of them, except Garrett finished his homework and he was allowed to do something else. I told him I was planning on getting some groceries and bring them up to the cabin for the 'Plan B' retreat on Saturday. Afterwards I was going to run around in the woods and I told him he could come with if he wanted to.

Well after dropping off the groceries at the cabin, we headed back down to the East-West Road (as we call it) and parked on a crossing and headed south...way south. We walked for at least a half mile before we even started to look for antlers. We covered some ground that I had never been to before. It was mostly clumps of willows among quarter after quarter of native grass and slough. All of these lead further south into the swamp where a friend of mine hunts. We didn't go that far, because that's another day's worth of walking.

Anyways, the day was chilly, cloudy, and rather disappointing overall. There was still some now in places where it drifted. But at least we were out. Mom joined up with us after going back to get her boots on. There was great sign of where the bucks had been cruising through last fall. Wish I'd've had a few trail cameras out there. Oh well.

Lots of buck tracks, but no antlers. This puzzle is starting to get to me.

Well at least I've got some time. I've got a good month before things start to green up.
We'll keep lookin'.

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