Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pre-Rut Wrap Up

Before I get too far behind, I better get caught up to speed on the deer activity lately. I sat a few times in hope to get on a big buck before all the pumpkins took over the world. Here were my last sits before the 2013 Rifle Season:
Friday, November 1 (Morning - Sit #20) - Zach and I sat in the Refuge in the stand I left hanging there for a few weeks, which reminds me, I should go check on it. We definitely heard one deer that skirted us to the west and headed into the Carlson slough. That was it.
Friday, November 1 (Evening - Sit #21) - Zach and I split up to hunt two opposite corners of a standing corn field. I saw just a couple deer at last light and he had a doe and two fawns come under his tree. There was a bunch of fresh sign on the south edge of the corn, which tells us at least one relatively mature buck strolled through the area, probably at about 1 am.
Monday, November 4 (Evening - Sit #22) - I loaded up a canoe and launched it into the River in hopes of sneaking in on the 6x5. There's no doubt that this was the most work I've ever put into a buck before. It actually worked out pretty easy except for the 20+mph cross wind on the highway. The canoe was sliding all over the place! After about 8.5 miles, I had the canoe in the water. I walked it down the bank and tied it up so that I could just get ready and hop in and paddle straight across the river to my stand. It was a killer set up. The first evening (4th), I didn't see any deer.
Tuesday, November 5 (Evening - Sit #23) - The wind was still out of the west/southwest so I hopped in the canoe again and tried my luck again. This was an even quieter process. I did see that same 2.5 year old 8 point that evening. He came by at 25 yards and worked two scrapes for me. Pretty neat.
Wednesday, November 6 (Evening - Sit #24) - I don't think I've bowhunted on a Wednesday evening in the 6.5 years that I've been back in Roseau. It just so worked that since the daylight savings change and us having a bonfire that night, I didn't have anything to prep so I figured I'd press my luck another time for the 6x5. Wouldn't you know it, I saw the same two year old 8 and he worked the same two scrapes! That was it. Deer were moving and they were using the river bank, just not the right deer.
Friday, November 8 (Morning - Sit #25) - I had a perfect SE wind so since I already had a stand up, I thought I would kill two birds with one stone (or maybe one bird and one deer) by hunting for Pencil and checking the camera that had been there for about two weeks. there was one mature buck that came through on the 1st, but his head was cut off. Hopefully I can figure out if was Pencil or not. I had a doe and two fawns come in to about 10 yards until they finally winded my track.
It really was an eventful week, but the maturity level of the bucks is down on average. The areas that hold the best bucks are overrun with blaze orange right now, so I'm buying my time hunting Pencil and the off-chance that Blacknose or Bullwinkle are alive and show themselves. Come Monday/Tuesday (18thish), I will be back in the prime spots to see if I can get on these deer. I want HighRise to show up too. Here's the pre-rut pictures that came about:

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