Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The End Of The Growing Season

August turned out to be quite a bit better than July, but there's still some missing pieces to the puzzle. I've gotten several great pictures of PegLeg and Blacknose now, but still have seen no sign of Pencil, or the other big woods bucks - Bullwinkle, Chippy, and some of the other up and coming younger bucks.
I'm still not convinced that the new 6x5 is Twigs, and I for sure haven't gotten any pictures of HighRise yet. So there's a lot of work yet to do before archery opener to have a more complete 2012 Hitlist.
Yesterday, I put on many miles and rearranged cameras, set up a couple new ones, and cut some ash trees out for a nice shooting lane area near the river. I've been getting lots of bear pictures lately and it looks as if there will be plenty around this season. I may have to shoot some of them.
I've been tracking PegLeg's movements back and forth across the road and it seems like he should be in the right area come season opener. I just pray that I can get out and hunt him when the conditions are right. I'm hopeful that Stephanie can hop in the driver's seat and have the first crack at one of the many bucks that are visiting the island woods. We just need a south wind.
PegLeg's doing just great this year and although he was pretty much done growing by the first of August, he's going to gross around the mid-upper 140's.
Blacknose has been putting on a show once a week or so, but I'm not real positive where he calls home yet. That remains to be seen. He should gross around the high 130's if not 140".
These other two bucks are both three year olds. Either would be a shooter for Steph, so we'll be on alert for them, too.
The bear situation is one that I didn't really anticipate, but could be a good situation. There are plenty of bears so far and this year we have an odd acorn crop, despite the drought. Oaks that never produce acorns, suddenly have loads of them. Conversely, the oaks that usually carry plenty of acorns have none.

Donny and Tara are coming up on the opening day of bear season and we'll see if we can get after a bruin.

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