Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Temporary Shift Of Focus

Whether it's a shift of focus or a lapse of reason, for some reason, I am now determined to kill a bear. I'm fascinated by how long they can live and how much ground they can cover. To get a big bear coming into a bait setup, and to kill him, it's not as simple as I once thought. Especially if you're dealing with a mature animal. In 2008, I shot two bears and both were relatively young bears. Both came in with plenty of daylight left and that may have meant pressure from older more aggressive bears in the area. Well, now I've found an area that doesn't have many bears, but the few that have been coming in are big. So they're not coming in until after dark. Maybe they're coming in from a long way away. Regardless, I've got Donny and possibly Tara coming in this weekend for the bear opener and I'm going to give it my best attempt on Saturday afternoon to get them both on a bear and myself as well.
On the deer front, I checked the cameras that I put so much effort setting up last week only to find does, fawns and a yearling buck. I'm determined to leave them for another full week and by then, a lot of bucks will have shed their velvet and should begin dispersing towards a new fall range. I did get out yesterday, when I was setting up a bear bait for my brother in law, to check a camera. Man were the deer photogenic over the weekend. I now have hundreds of pictures of PegLeg.
I had a Gnarly 8 come in that has been seen to the south over 2 miles away. He came in on the 21st and was in there every day or night at some point until the 26th.
Also, Blacknose showed off a little bit.
The average 8 was there but the wider stumpy 8 only showed up once at the end.
Finally, one of the younger bucks that I got pictures of in mid July showed back up and he is a stud of a two year old.

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