Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust - The Wide Heavy 8

I got a text from my mom last night that simply said, "Wide Heavy 8 is dead." That raised all kinds of questions in my head. Did the buck that we thought kind of looked like him get brought over to my parents house to be mounted? Eventually my mom sent a picture of it that had half the hide off it's nose. It looked like it had been found. I thought maybe mom and dad found it by chance. Nope. All wrong guesses. A neighbor by the name of Jimmy shot it 'in the lake bottom'. It was very possible that the buck made it all the way over to Jimmy's house, he had been caught on camera near there the fall before. I'd like to figure out more details on this buck. He was a really nice buck with good potential. He had really dense antlers, which we don't see too much of. Anyway, I brought the sheds over and we got some pictures. He was 4.5 years old this year and had at least a year or two left in him. I measured him out at 123 5/8" gross typical and 118 5/8" net. He had 20" mainbeams and a 17 1/8" inside spread. His right antler added 4 inches and though that may not seem like much, it was a tough winter and as we've seen, some bucks even shrank in the prime of their life. So showed some promise. Still. It's a great buck that nobody should've passed up. Good for Jimmy. Here's the life of the Wide Heavy 9. The Blueish picture was a mystery buck that I think I just solved.
So that's two off of my hitlist (Scabby 9 and Splitbrow) and now two off of Steph's (Contender and Wide Heavy 9*). The overall hitlist is slimming down a bit. I'll have to try get a few pictures of the Black Buck, Curly, Mr. 140, and maybe even some of last year's two year old bucks in order to spruce it up a bit for next year. Stay tuned.

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