Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No Dice... For Me

Well, Monday morning I was able to get out and finally spend some time out in the woods. I started the day off kinda crappy though. I was going to film myself broadcasting clover into a newly logged clearing for Midwest Whitetail, but when I got the camera on the tripod and turned it on I learned that there was no battery in it. IDIOT! Instead of waiting until I could film myself, I just opted to seed it anyway. So I got 10 lbs of Frigid Forage clover mix down into about a 1/2 acre strip. We'll see what comes of that. After that adventure, I walked over to the cedar stump to see what had been using it so far. I kicked up a lone big deer not far from the stump, so my hopes are high. The only camera I had out was going to produce for me early on. Not so. Zero images. Batteries died immediately after I left it. I guess that's what you get for using last year's used batteries. Trying to save money. After that, I drove down to the bus and took out the plastic sled I brought and through a 50 lb sack of trace mineral salt and a small brick of Deer CoCaine onto it and drug it the 1/2 mile over water and trees. I got the stump all salted up for this year and I gotta be honest, my hopes are high for these spots.
After my morning chores, I was able to take a hike in the swamp near the beans that were left standing this last fall. I looked in a few spots that I had imagined finding antlers on several occasions to no avail. I found one old yearling buck skull and one winter kill doe. Either someone had been through there or I'm really losing my touch as to where these antlers should be... probably both. I had to get back to town to work at Cenex so I left the woods about noon. Mom and Dad came up after I went home and asked where they should go that was dry. By the time I got back to them they were already walking around by the pits. I got a picture text from dad and I thought he might have found one and sure enough, he found a nice 57" 4 point shed. This has to be the darkest shed we've ever found/seen from around the hill. He found it points down right on a trail.After a few texts back and forth, mom text me with a picture. She found herself a cool little three point from the road. Good eyes.
At least this brings some hope to the spots I've been using salt. I hope to see more evidence of Dad's buck. It had a 21" main beam. I'm guessing him @ 5 1/2, going be 6 years old in a month.
It'll be interesting to see what turns up before green up.

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