Sunday, November 16, 2008

Alberta - Days Two and Three

Day Two

We woke up about 5:30 and decided to act on some advice from wise neighbor. A couple people had been seeing a 13 point in the same spot right at daybreak for a couple of days. We figured we see if he was worth shooting. So we sort of sacrificed a morning of sitting to see if Joe could get a crack at this buck. Well as luck would have it, we saw him, but at about 730 yards. A bit too far to take a shot, even for Joe. We drove off hoping that he'd continue crossing the field, maybe offering us a better shot. He didn't. Otherwise, we didn't see too much movement that morning. So we went back to the neighbors and discussed it all. That evening Shawn and Joe dropped me off where a few 'frenchmen' had seen a really big buck, but they couldn't tell if it was a muley or whitetail because they can only tell by its butt. Anyway, I sat for an hour or more before the first deer poked out. It was a young 4x5 muley. He walked down the fenceline, looking for a good place to cross. He crossed at about 175 yards. After another hour, a muley doe and fawn came out of the same side crossed the fence into stubble wheat field. Finally as light was starting to fade I caught some movement in the same area. Another muley doe squirted out of the woods with her ears back. She didn't even slow down until she was out of my sight behind the next hill. Sure enough, right behind her was a nice 5x5 buck. He was following her pretty close. He had pretty average character, with all slightly above average measurements. He would probably gross in the 170s-180"s. To end my evening, a little whitetail buck came beneath me by the fenceline, but never crossed into the field. He just sort of watched the muleys (which I couldn't see from that angle) and waited - probably until there were a few more whitetails in the field. I snuck out of there in case there were more deer I needed to get a look at that came out without me knowing. There wasn't.

Day Three

This morning we overslept a little bit. I threw together some bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches and we high-tailed it out of the house. Shaun and Joe dropped me off on this canola field that over looks a big slough. I saw lots of deer movement, but only two little yearling bucks were in range. I bet I saw over 25 deer, but most were at 1,200 yards or more. Still, it was good to see that the deer are starting to move or are moving into the morning hours a bit. The land where all these deer were meandering was private and well-known for 'no hunting'. Oh well. It looked like the deer knew that too. While I was sitting, some dohon drove his truck right through the field, parallel to where I was facing. He stopped to look over this hill and when he turned his truck off, I whistled at him. He cussed and drove over to me and apologized. I told him not to worry and off he went. As I thought Shaun and Joe were probably on their way back, I got up to leave. Here the guy came again to look for deer! What an idiot! It's not that often that I get worked up, but I was getting frustrated with this snaggle-toothed intruder. Anyway, got back to Shaun's, had some juice and a good little nap.

This evening Tyson (Shaun's friend) and I went to the other side of this monster slough in hopes of catching some of the same deer coming back up. We watched 30+ deer way across the slough and a quarter over from where I was in the morning. Unbelievable. I bet I watched four buck chasing does that were 2.5 or older. One was for sure a shooter, but again, only 1200 yards away. At dusk we saw two coyotes at 200 yards. I wanted to shoot, but I refrained. They want to do as little shooting as possible over there. Whatever. Shaun and Joe finally saw some deer tonight and got a glimpse of a borderline shooter, but he didn't present a shot for Joe. Hopefully tomorrow there will be some powder burnt.

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