Monday, November 17, 2008

Alberta - Day Four

Well, Shaun wanted to put me in what he calls the "Dead End Blind". So that is where I sat. All day. From dark to dark. Sun-up to sundown. I saw lots of deer (probably 15ish). The very first thing I see was a coyote. I should've shot him, but again, Shaun's pretty adiment about not shooting in areas that you're trying to hunt deer. Anyway, about a half hour later I saw a doe and two fawns, but they shortly disappeared. I saw a bunch of muley does followed by a fork. Then I saw a little 8 point whitetail working his way down the ridge across from me. To set the scene, I was on one side of this very large pond and there were hills on all sides, mostly covered with popples and willows. The pond was freshly frozen over and had a minimum of 6 muskrats milling about. Joe would've been out of ammo had he been sitting there. I had to step out of the blind to stretch and pee so I crept down behind the ridge I was sitting on and peed in a cows hoof print. The wind was strong and in my favor, so I wasnt too concerned about stinking up the place, even though Shaun insisted I bring a pee bottle. So back into the blind at about 11am. I am determined to stay vigilant. Not too long after getting settled again, I picked out the two fawns from before chewing on some saplings without their mother. After watching them for about 15 minutes, they moved behind a small hill and out of sight. about 12:10pm I saw two tails running away from me up the big hill in the woods. I quickly raised my binoculars and in runs two more deer. It's a buck and a doe. It takes a few seconds to get a good look at the buck and I realized I wanted to shoot. He was about 230 yards and in some brush. I reach to bring up my gun and as I glanced back at the deer, I saw him chase the doe up the ridge and out of sight. I didn't even get to put him in the scope. Aarrrgggh. In my binoculars I could see long G2s, really good mass, and he was chocolate. mmmm. I never saw him again for the rest of the day even though my contacts just about peeled off my eyes I was watching so intently. I saw a few other and a few of the same deer second and third times, but no new bucks. I'm going to sit there again all day in hopes of a decent shot. I know he's there. So I'll be ready. I'm rough guessing him at 145 as an 8 point, but he could have more points, I couldn't really tell. We'll find out when I blister him.

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