Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One Season Ends And Another Begins - Let 'Em Shed!

Well Auld Lang Syne came and went. New Years Day is upon us - 2014. I guess I didn't kill any monster deer this year. I did learn a lot of lessons in the woods that nobody can take away from me. I think the most important lesson was that there are preferred areas for mature bucks and that a new buck can move in and take over at any time. Although I never was able to confirm it, there was rumor of a giant that was spotted in a bean field this late August. A clean 10 that supposedly had 12-14" G2s. We'll see. What we do know is that Blacknose was shot at least once and that Pencil slipped through the cracks once again.
He's the first buck to have shed this year - sometime between December 27th and 28th, he dropped his left side. I have not confirmed how long he carried his right. He for sure still had his right side still attached at 4:44am on December 29th. I imagine that as he bed down that early morning. His right antler will be very near his bed. In fact, the morning of the 28th we had a lot of blowing snow (probably 1.5") and when Pencil came into the camera on the 28th at 9:44pm, he had snow on his forehead and a bloody pedicle.
I would bet that after being snowed on all day, he got up, shook the snow off, and POP goes the antler. So hopefully these two antlers are in the same little bedding area and I can find it. Zach and I were getting pretty close as we walked through some heavier brush. It hasn't snowed since, so basically any track thats fresh could be the best bet. We'll have to get back up in there, maybe Friday the 3rd.

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