Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Mineral Site - Twigs and HighRise Are Being Targeted

I've been debating for a while now, whether I should buy one more nicer camera or a couple cheaper cameras and be able to have eyes in more places. Well, without me knowing it, Streiffs Sporting Goods had a sale on Wildview IR Extreme cameras. For $59.99, that's hard to beat. I could have three for the price of one Cuddeback Capture or Attack. I elected to buy two with Steph's gracious permission. I set one up before Easter on the mineral site by the gravel pits and the second one went up in the popple ridge near where I was getting pictures of Twigs, HighRise, and the bear last fall. I brought the chainsaw in and tried to stay far enough north so a person wouldn't contaminate the whole woods when you went in to check the camera or hunt it. some trail trimming still needs to be done, but after some limbing and creating a stump up on a high hump with good dirt, the site looks pretty promising:
I probably won't check that camera very often, which is making think of the possibility of the external 12V batter that is possible with these cameras. It would be great if I could just check it once a month if not less. I am very curious to see how those two bucks do this year, especially HighRise. and a solid 125 3 year old, I think he could easily go 140 this coming season, if he gets some soybeans to the south.
Farmers were out all over the place. Some were seeding, some were discing, now we just need the temperatures to warm up.
Here's one pic of a buck from the north camera:
This afternoon I walked and walked trying to cover as much area as I could by myself. No luck finding Pencil's antlers. I'm sure he was out in the new cutting and it's like a needle in a stack of needles out there. After a couple trips, here's what I've covered:

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