Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Opening Weekend

Well, saturday morning came faster than I could expect. Stephanie got first dibs to hunt a spot I had a really good feeling about. I was with to film and for some light encouragement. We got settled in just before light and at about 15 minutes to 8, we had a doe and two fawns come right beneath us. While I was filming them, Steph was trying to get my attention. Finally, I looked down, mostly wondering why she was moving around so much, and she looked at me and said, "Buck!" So I turned around and could see a deer's body. His coat was fully gray, but I couldn't see his head yet. I was hoping for something huge, but nope. It was a young little 8 point. Steph said that there was a second buck with it, but I never did get a chance to see it. I only got a bit of footage of the buck, because I was trying to lean over to talk to her. She's right, our stands should be closer together. I adjusted them later. But overall, it was a great opening morning and Steph's first bowhunt was a success, without even shooting.

That evening we sat in the rain in my groundblind hoping to get a crack at a buck making his way down to the bean field to the southeast. Didn't see a thing.

Monday morning was my birthday and so I wanted to hunt, obviously. We went back to the same spot that we sat opening morning and didn't see a deer. Maybe Steph needs to be hunting in order to see something. Well, maybe we'll shoot one Thursday morning. We've got plenty of decent bucks to hunt, it's just a matter of getting in the right spot at the right time.

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