Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Plague of the Mosquitos

I don't know if Moses had mosquitos in the 7 plagues, but I'm sure he's chuckling now. These mosquitos are NUTS! In 27 years, I've never seen them this bad. Bug spray has almost NO effect on them. I ate at least a dozen yesterday. You might think I'm crazy to walk half a mile along a wheat field in order to set up a mineral site, and you'd probably be right, but to me it's worth it. To top it off, I got permission from another land owner to hunt his property. That makes two jackpots in one week. I've got a paradise in Malung, and now one up in Pinecreek. Between The Hill, The Refuge, and these two, there's no reason I shouldn't stike P&Y.
In my battle with the mosquitos, I did manage to pull 850 pictures of one camera, and some fairly dissatisfying photos off the other two cameras. I also got my first pictures of newborn twin fawns. All pretty exciting.
While driving up, I saw a nice wide buck (not WideWeb) out in a pasture that I couldn't recognize. So, that just means there's another buck to be watching for this season. After I got done with all my stuff I was heading home and I was seeing deer all over in the fields. I got to see the Inside Crab Claw buck at about 150 yards. He's gonna be really neat this year. He's going to have a Split G2 on his right and on his left he'll have a common-base point on his G2 and G3. Crab claws are sill very visible. There starting to point upwards a little more. He was out to his G4s already. So he's puttin' on the inches. Should gross 130 at least. I saw a couple other two or three year olds on my drive. It was a great day out in The Woods.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gray Fox

Although the activity on the cameras is still not up to par with last year, I have been getting some unique pictures. I've been able to identify Mr. 140, the Pencil 8 (who's sheds I picked up), Chippy (I've decided to call him), and that's it for positive I.D.s at this point. I'll know it if/when we get a picture of the Clown. He should be astounding. Hopefully he's doing just fine. I got a couple pictures of a gray fox, which is fairly rare. I've never seen one as far as I know but I got three pictures of him near a gravel pit. On my way in to check the camera, I noticed a little burrow and now I'm wondering if it could be his.
Sadly, when I got to the camera I noticed that some of the LCD display was shorted out. The batteries that I put in when changed it last were questionable and now I'm regretting putting them in. I think one of the batteries was leaking acid. The funny part was that I still got 365 pictures in those 10 days. So it's like the camera fried right when I got there. Who knows. I need to call Cuddeback to see if it's still under warranty. So now I have two cameras down and I'm not liking it. Here are some of this weeks photos.